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Model of the year 2022 1st place in the royal category of locomotives and multiple units

N gauge new design of the year 2022

Express train DB 403 „Lufthansa Airport Express“ Modellbahn Union

With our prestige project, the ET 403 DB electric multiple unit in the Lufthansa Airport Express livery, we have met the desires of our N gauge customers. We were able to break our internal Modellbahn Union records with this model and also made it as model of the year in the largest German-speaking N gauge forum. Our first completely self-developed trainset took first place in the new design category “locomotives & locomotives”. At this point we would like to thank all previous buyers as well as everyone who voted for our railcar. The forum in particular lives through the exchange of N gauge railways. The survey takes us back to “old times” with over 800 participants. Not as many participants have taken part since the 2018 survey. At the same time, we are even more pleased about this because the many participants also show that we were spot on with our railcar.

We are aware that with our house brand Modellbahn Union we are always competing against big names such as Fleischmann, Arnold, Minitrix, Hobbytrain, Kato and Piko as well as against top small series manufacturers such as Fulgurex. In addition, we only sell Modellbahn Union products directly through our DM-Toys web shop as well as our specialist shops and exhibitions, which means we automatically do not reach nearly as many N gauge railway users as our suppliers. Therefore, double thanks to our customers and the users of the forum that, despite all the fame of the major model railway manufacturers, we with Modellbahn Union are always rewarded with an award for our idea, courage and love for N scale.

We would also like to congratulate the other winners of the other categories.

Piko was able to take first place in the shape variant category with  DB V160 in series version, as well as the two lower places in the locomotives & locomotives category with the BR 191 and 101 electric locomotives. Fleischmann was able to take first place with the UIC X type passenger cars took first place and Arnold took third place with the Post-March postal car. The small series manufacturer ASM was able to impress with the ÖBB IC cars.

Fitting products:

MU_N-T40301: Electric multiple unit ET 403 DB Lufthansa Airport Express Ep.IV-V 4-part
MU_N-T40302: Electric multiple unit ET 403 DB IC Ep.IV-V 4-part
Piko_40524: Diesel locomotive V160 DB Ep.III
Piko_40525: Diesel locomotive V160 DB Ep.III
Piko_40540: Electric locomotive BR 191 DB Ep.IV
Piko_40541: DCC + Sound Electric locomotive BR 191 DB Ep.IV
Piko_40561: DCC + Sound Electric locomotive BR 101 DB AG Ep.VI

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