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Vulcan Manufacturing Company Kit

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Walthers 933-3233

Vulcan Manufacturing Company Kit
37.99 EUR
TVA 19% incl., livraison excl.
Délai de livraison (D): 1-3 jours de travail

Found in many cities, steel fabricators generate lots of business for the local railroads. Raw materials arrive from the steel mills, and some finished pieces are also delivered by rail. Others are shipped by a fleet of trucks. The kit includes the detailed main building, with its realistic brickwork and tall smoke stack. Out in the yard, detailed trusses and a canopy roof are provided to model an overhead crane. Decals for the big sign out front are also included.

Technische Daten
CategoriesBâtiment, Usines
EpoqueIII, IV, V, VI

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