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Freight car pressure gas tank car DB Ep.IV-V

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Fleischmann 849117

Freight car pressure gas tank car DB Ep.IV-V

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Technische Daten
CategoriesRolling stock, Freight car
EpochIV, V
Railway companyDB
Electrical systemSpur N 2-Leiter Gleichstrom
CouplerSchacht NEM 355 mit KK-Kinematik
Quarter first delivery3/2021
Length over buffer (mm)110mm
Pressurized gas tank car, type Zags, used on the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

- Finely detailed finish with authentic "LPG Margas" lettering
- Version with black sunroof

Compressed gas tank wagons are special wagons for liquefied, deep-frozen liquefied or dissolved gases. Loading and unloading takes place via devices that can be operated from the ground (bottom discharge). The conspicuous, approx. 30 cm high orange vertical stripe in the middle of the boiler is typical for European cars.

For a long time, these wagons only ran as private wagons [P] registered with the national railway administrations. In contrast to other types of wagons, they are now owned by specialized wagon hire companies. The complex management includes the maintenance, inspection, etc., of the fleet.

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