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Passenger coach compartment car 3.Kl DRG Ep.II

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Fleischmann 807005

Passenger coach compartment car 3.Kl DRG Ep.II

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Technische Daten
CategoriesRolling stock, Passenger car
Railway companyDRG
Electrical systemSpur N 2-Leiter Gleichstrom
CouplerSchacht NEM 355 mit KK-Kinematik
Quarter first delivery4/2019
Length over buffer (mm)79mm
3rd-class compartment car 3rd class with brakeman's cab, type C3-pr11, DRG, epoch II.

Side-shiftable center axis, NEM 355 coupler pocket with link mechanism.

Prototype: The design of the compartment car comes from the early days of the railroad. The type "pr 11" is one of the last built Prussian compartment cars with skylight roof and at the same time most built passenger carriages on German soil. The three- or two-axle cars were available with and without brakeman's cab. Some specimens are still deposited with museum railways today.

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