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We digitize your existing locomotives!

Regardless of whether you bought it from us or not.

And it's really simple:

  • Create digitization order online
  • Pack the locomotive well (preferably in the original packaging), please enclose a printout of the digitization order email or the order number.
  • Send it to us, if necessary using a return slip.
  • We check, digitize and discuss queries.
  • You will receive the invoice by email.
  • We are happy to combine the digitalization with a shop order to optimize shipping costs.
  • After the invoice has been paid, the digitized locomotive is shipped directly and well packaged.
  • And once again your system is enriched by a digital locomotive!

Do you have “old treasures” that you would like to digitize later?

We know this and are now offering you a tailor-made service -  digitalization by a professional. No matter where you bought the locomotive.


The costs depend on the effort required. We charge €84.00 for one workshop hour. Billing is done every 10 minutes, i.e. 14 € / 10 minutes. Material (decoder usually Doehler & Haass) is charged in addition to the shop price.

The amount of time required is difficult to determine in advance. Maintenance status, cleanliness and correct function before digitization are often factors that cannot be calculated. The fact is that a locomotive must be in perfect condition and run smoothly before it is digitized. The digitization effort also varies, whether an interface is available or not - or even whether milling work has to be carried out.

It may also happen that replacement parts are required or a defect occurs during digitization (brittle plastic, for example), for which we cannot accept liability. However, our technicians are well trained and deal with a large number of N gauge locomotives every day. You will hardly find a more competent and fair partner for such delicate work.

It is important that you trust us in our work and have some patience.

If it becomes apparent that it is uneconomical to digitize a locomotive, we will stop early and consult with you. Therefore, please be sure to provide a telephone number where we can reach you on weekdays during working hours.

To ensure that your treasures reach us intact and functional, you should always send the models in their original packaging. This not only makes work easier for our technicians (safer packing and unpacking), but also offers better protection during shipping. Please understand that we cannot guarantee damage during shipping if the original packaging is not used and we also have to charge €10 for the extra work.

By the way, you are welcome to combine the digitization order with a shop order to save shipping costs!

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